
Protect your IT Assets

Data Center Service

Redundancy power and air conditioning systems, thorough access management, and operational maintenance system 24 hours a day, 356 days provide peace of mind.


【April 2024】Telehouse Canada business start

KDDI Canada, Inc., an overseas subsidiary of KDDI begin its connectivity data center business under the [Telehouse Canada] brand on April 11, 2024.

Please see below for details.

【March 2024】KDDI, JPIX and Osaka Business Park provide core connection service between data centers and new IX connection base

From April 1, 2024, KDDI and JPIX provide data center-to-data center services and Internet exchanges, and open data center location in the Osaka Business Park area.

Please see below for details.

KDDI Data Center Business

KDDI operates data center brand Telehouse with over 45 locations in major cities across Europe, North America, and Asia (Note 1). They provide operational maintenance services on a 24/7 basis, 365 days a year. Leveraging over 30 years of experience with the customer base of over 3,000 companies worldwide, its strong "connectivity" with cloud service providers and telecommunication companies. Telehouse supports the establishment of reliable system environments tailored to the unique conditions of each location.

  • Note 1) As of March 2023

Telehouse Ecosystem

Telehouse, the KDDI Group's data center brand, provides a connectivity ecosystem environment that enables digital transformation through interconnecting enterprise users with service providers such as cloud, Internet, and network providers, as well as end-users accessing the KDDI Group's various services.

Correlation diagram between [Telehouse] connectivity data centers (enterprise, xSPs, KDDI groups) and [Telehouse] hyperscale data centers, end users
  • Note 2) xSPs: Various provider companies that provide services through the network

International Connectivity Data Center

Telehouse’s leading connectivity data center

The first facility 「Telehouse North」started its operation in 1990.
Since then, we expanded 「Telehouse West」,「Telehouse East」,「Telehouse North2」and「Telehouse South」. And now the Docklands Campus is the words most connected data center and the home to the London Internet Exchange (LINX).

  • ※ The picture is an image.

Connectivity Data Center in Japan

「Telehouse Otemachi」and「Telehouse Osaka」is widely known as the location of domestic and international xSP including JPIX, one of the largest IXs in Japan. Having many customers in our sites, we are expanding the interconnected network to provide the  strong connectivity.

The heart of the Japanese Internet since the early days
「Telehouse Otemachi」
Supporting KDDI network in Western Japan
「Telehouse Osaka」

Hyperscale Data Center

「Telehouse Tama3」and「Telehouse Tama5」are large-scale data centers with high power supply capacity and advanced information infrastructure facilities, in addition to offering the option of providing dedicated colocation rooms designed to accommodate the use of high-performance servers by hyperscalers deploying cloud services globally.  They also connect directly to KDDI's network, ensuring access to high-capacity, high-quality connectivity.

Furthermore, we have expansion spaces to flexibly adapt to future growth in demand.

Supporting KDDI network in Eastern Japan
「Telehouse Tama3」
State-of-the-art hyperscale data center
「Telehouse Tama5」

Data Center Map

Telehouse data center is located across Japan
in addition to all over the world

Global Data Center Map

 A list of overseas locations is shown on the world map (US, UK, Canada, Shanghai, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Germany, France, Vietnam, Beijing, Hong Kong)

Japan Data Center Map

A list of domestic locations is shown on the Japan map (Hokkaido, Miyagi, Tochigi, Toyama, Tokyo, Aichi, Osaka, Okayama, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Okinawa)

Inquiries about the Service

KDDI Corporate Sales Representative will consult with you and provide you with an estimate for the introduction.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Corporate Customer Center
Toll free calls0077-7007(Free of charge)
Toll free calls0120-921-919(Free of charge)
Reception hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and New Year holidays)