
Work style reform! “Splashtop” for telecommuting


In response to the epidemic of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), proactive remote work and telecommuting is recommended to prevent virus infection and spread. By utilizing Splashtop, it is possible to strongly promote DX of operations.

What is Splashtop?

High performance and secure remote desktop software

The Splashtop is a remote desktop software that can be used by connecting to the company computer from devices such as iPhones, iPads, and notebook PCs.

If you have a Splashtop, you can do a variety of work with ease, from emailing to editing images and videos that require high-specification processing, by remotely connecting them to the company’s computer from outside the office. With this, we will be able to realize work style reform through telework.


Overwhelmingly high performance

The Splashtop adopts the latest technology that rapidly captures in real time in 30 frames per second, achieving overwhelming performance and high safety compared to corporate networks such as VPN. If you have a Splashtop, you can do a variety of easy emailing work by remotely connecting it to the company’s computer from outside the office, and video editing and images that require high-specification processing from the creation of materials. This enables us to realize BCP (Business Continuity Planning) and work style reforms through telecommuting, telecommuting, and remote work.

Compatible with a wide range of devices and OS

On-hand device to be operated

  • iPad/iPhone
  • Android Tablet/Android Smartphone
  • Windows/Mac OS

Remote destination company PC

  • Windows/Mac compatible

Easy-to-use interface and easy-to-use operation

It is characterized by an intuitive interface and easy-to-understand operability that allows you to start immediately without having to read the instruction manual or training. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the burden of not only users who work remotely, but also the burden of operating the information system. The feature of Splashtop is that it is easy to introduce and easy to use.

Robust Security

All remote sessions are secure because they are protected with secure SSL/TLS and AES-256 bits. In addition, security is perfect because it supports device authentication and two-stage authentication.

Provision area

For details, please refer from your region.

  • *This is not provided in Japan.

Inquiries about the Service

This is not provided in Japan.
For details, please refer from your region.