
Google Workspace

This is information on Google Workspace (Groupware) for KDDI Business. Google Workspace brings together massive Gmail and storage, video conferencing, document creation, spreadsheets and more in one package to deliver productivity improvement and collaboration for any workstyle.

[Target of Smart Value for Business]


[Updated in April 2024] Recommended ISP with Verified Peering Provider from Google

On April 23, 2024, KDDI received the highest Gold certification as the preferred ISP for Verified Peering Provider, Google’s preferred ISP (Internet Service Provider) certification program.
Please see below for details.

[Updated in January 2024] Specification Changes for DNS Option (Own Domain Type)

The following changes will be made to the DNS Option (Own Domain Type) specifications.
After the date of the change, please configure the settings by yourself from the control panel as necessary.

  1. Details of the change
    (1) "Host part" of TXT record and "Host part" and "Data part" of CNAME record
    ┗Until now, we have limited the characters that can be entered before and after "." (dot) to half-width alphanumeric characters only. However, following the specification change, "_" (underscore) can now also be entered. Additionally, it was not possible to start with "_" (underscore), but this will now be possible as well.

    (2) "Data part" of TXT record
    ┗ After the date of the specification change, you can write up to 512 characters. However, the maximum length of record strings that can be written continuously is 255 characters. so if you want to write 512 characters, you need to write as "a 255-character record string", "a 253-character record string", and so on.
    * Please note that the quotation marks are counted as one character, so the total number of characters excluding quotation marks is limited to 508 characters (255 characters + 253 characters), subtracting four characters from the 512 characters mentioned previously.

    DKIM/DMARC can be configured by the above.
  2.  Change Date
    ・January 29, 2024 (Monday) 5:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. | Control Panel Closed
    ・January 29, 2024 (Monday,) 7:00 a.m. | RELEASE

  3.  control panel
    https://kddi-dns.secure.ne.jp/login.php(Japanese Only)


[Updated in April 2023] Google Workspace Price Revision

In accordance with Google's price revision, we will start offering Google Workspace at the new price from April 11, 2023.
The new pricing will be applied to existing subscriptions from the following month after the subscription is renewed on or after April 11, 2023.

For details, please refer to the Terms of Service below.

[Updated in January 2021] Google Workspace Service Start

KDDI will launch Google’s cloud service Google Workspace on January 15, 2021.
Please see below for details.

[Updated in January 2021] Completion of G Suite New Applications

G Suite is no longer being accepted as of January 15, 2021 due to the termination of G Suite’s new applications on Google . Customers who are currently contract with G Suite will continue to use the service until the contract expires.

Please see below for details.
・Function and Operating Environment: https://biz.kddi.com/support/service/gsuite/function/(Japanese Only)
・Charge: https://biz.kddi.com/support/service/gsuite/charge/(Japanese Only)
・Support information: https://biz.kddi.com/support/service/gsuite/(Japanese Only)

What is Google Workspace?

Google Workspace is a business cloud service provided by Google that combines large-capacity Gmail and Google Drive, video conferencing and spreadsheets, and other IT tools needed for your job in one package.



Google Workspace has four major functions.


Facilitate online communication.
Real-time collaboration and information sharing.


Creation tools for efficient business execution.
These tools allow team members to edit documents and share data at the same time.


By storing data and files in the cloud, desired information can be instantly accessed without location restrictions,
regardless of device, office, or telework.


Users, devices, and data can be safely and easily managed centrally,
including user account management, security settings, and data backup and restoration.

Operating environment

Usage Environment of Google Workspace

PC browser

Mobile App

  • * You will be taken to an external site.
  • * The type of browser described in the operating environment may be changed without notice for reasons such as termination of browser support or improvement.

KDDI Satellite Office Tool Usage Environment

(When using Windows)
  • Microsoft Edge (Supports the latest version up to two previous generations)
  • Google Chrome (Supports the latest version up to two previous generations)
  • Mozilla (R) Firefox (R) (Supports the latest version up to two previous generations)
  • Safari (R) (Supports the latest version up to two previous generations)
  • * The browser types described in the operating environment may be changed without notice due to termination of browser support, improvements, etc.

What you can do because of KDDI

One-stop support from pre-implementation plan to post-implementation environment construction and migration, education support, and operational launch

Inquiries about the Service

KDDI Corporate Sales Representative will consult with you and provide you with an estimate for the introduction.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Contracts outside Japan

Comprehensive customer support

KDDI local staff will provide support in the local language not only for the Japanese side
but also for local staff on the overseas side before and after the solution is introduced.

You can also entrust us with the support of your contract.

In addition to Japanese contracts, we also accept contracts on the overseas side. We are able to respond to your budget and business structure.
If you are considering using it overseas, please contact us from the following.
(Provision details and charges, etc., differ depending on the providing country. Please contact us.)